I have recently added some new Keratin Treatments and drop[ed some others. Here's the low down!
Firstly Cocochocco has been dropped. The fumes were too much for my lungs, affecting my asthma so I have stopped using it.
The first new kid on the block is the Glass Blowdry. This is an easy add on to your existing appointment, as it takes just a few minutes to apply, gives you smoother shinier hair, the Glass Blowdry look. This lasts around 5 washes.

The second Is the Intense Glass Blowdry. It takes a little longer than the Glass Blowdry, really ups your shine and replenishes the moisture and oils in your hair, I'm talking coconut oil, argan oil, Aloetrix and the Keranutritive complex giving you and intense nutrition boost. The finish is the same, a Glass Blowdry but will last you 6 to 12 washes. Great to dip your toe in if you are considering a Kerasmooth treatment but are unsure.

Next we have Kerasmooth. This is a smoothing treatment which reshapes the keratin chains in the hair without breaking the disulphide bonds, allowing the hair shaft to become smoother and shinier without affecting your curl. You get an intense nourishment treatment and smoother shinier hair, as for the intense Glass Blowdry, but it will last you 2 to 3 months. Virtually no fumes on application so a big win all round. Takes around 3 hours to do.

These three are from Yellow Pro, the same ones who make the amazing colour products I use, so we know they contain only the best, sustainable and natural ingredients as much as is possible.
Our old favourite, Keracoffee, is still available, this is a Keratin straightening system from Brazil, which I have been using for a few years now. This is the big gun of the keratin treatments I offer. It lines up the bonds in your hair, making it smoother, shinier and straighter. This lasts you 3 to 6 months, cuts down frizz, and reduces your drying and styling time. Also takes around 3 hours depending how much hair you have!! This one does require a skin test prior to your treatment if you haven't had one before.
So why do you need a keratin treatment? Who is it for? If you have fluffy or frizzy hair this is for you. If your hair takes forever to dry and style, this is for you. If you have dry hair, this is for you. if your hair needs taming, managing, a volume reduction, you need this.
Any questions feel free to contact me.
